
Life Update | Moving to LA!

It’s official! We are moving out of the Sacramento area to live in Los Angeles! My husband, Jake, is going to UCLA Law School of Law and will be starting his second year there. We’ve been living in Granite Bay, CA with my family during spring and summer since his classes have been online. We are excited to finally live in the city and for Jake to be able to attend in-person classes!

Before I get too into the details of our move, I want to make it clear that if you have booked a session or a wedding with me, this does not change anything! I will be using my Sacramento weddings as an excuse to come visit family. And, if you’re an inquiring Northern California bride, I still am booking weddings up here – the more excuses to stay with my fam, the better!

I think the thing I am most excited about living in LA is the beach! Do you think I’ll finally get a tan if I live in Southern California? 😀

Okay, all jokes aside (because we all know I will likely remain as white and pasty as I always have been), we are so excited for this move! Jake has been itching to attend classes in person and although we have LOVED living with family and if we had to go back we’d do it again in a heartbeat, we are also really excited to be living on our own again.

If you live in LA or if you’ve ever been, let me know all your recommendations! We are excited to live in a big city and want to take advantage of all the fun and yummy things in the area!

Enjoy this iPhone photo dump of when we visited LA this summer!

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